Simulated Catcissist
Simulated Catcissist
Arc: Simulated Aggression
Summary: Captain Bradshaw tries to complete a simple convoy strike only for the simulator system to bust part of the way through the strike
Date: 2659.245
Related Logs: Simulated Convoy Strike 2.0
Participants: Ona, Clearoff, Silence, Singh

Singh strolls into the bar, she looks very tired but still surprisingly centered.

Ona walks into the bar, while Clearoff sidles

Jamie's got that disheveled look about him that someone who hasn't been sleeping very much. With a black coffee in hand, the blond man looks up and inclines his head cheerfully enough toward Singh, then the others. "Ey. Morning."

"Hey Jackie, Meg, how's it going?" Singh asks while grabbing another very sugary coffee. "Reynolds." She nods.

"Going pretty well", Megan said, "Been organising stuff for Nina's party."

"Mornin', Julianna. Things going okay?" Jamie says.

"Yeah… just got an email forwarded from Iceblade…from Taylor… today's not over yet." Julianna says.

Ona says, "Today isn't over yet?"

"That all nighter in the sims and out flying? we've got a last round in the sims, however…" Julianna says. "Yes, I was doing the night shift, already got four sorties under my belt."

"Ah, right. Haven't got that message from my CO yet…" Ona says. "Four sim sorties? Or four actual sorties?"

"Three… they kinda blurred at this point, a sortie, and 2 sim flights." Julianna responds.

"Iceblade pranked me with a few aces in the sim. I'll get him back eventually." Julianna smirks.

Jamie conceals a yawn and rubs a palm over his slightly scruffy chin. "From what I saw, you handled those fake-aces so well."

"Funny thing, that lady has a history with us… but she is holding a grudge against Cyric and Nina… that reminds me, remember that com sat we found? you'll never guess what intel decoded on it?" Julianna points at the tv screen.

Jamie arches his brows. "Wait, they actually got something from it?" The young pilot glances toward said vid screen.

"Which lady are we talking about here?" Ona says, leaning closer.

On the tv screen opposite the bar, a kilrathi transmission is playing, it is mostly censured, but it looks like handicam work with giggling kilrathi setting up others and then laughing at the camera.

"Kilrathi streaming service! Their humor is not my style. Maybe Azran would get a kick out of it." Julianna comments.

The former ISS pilot furrows his brow, and lifts up his mug to take another swallow of super tasty battered-carrier coffee. "The hell? Heh." When Azran is mentioned, Jamie glances over his shoulder for a sec. Just to make sure the cat's not looming somewhere.

"Kilrathi comedy?" Megan says, "Not surprised it's a thing, but still…"

The tv subtitles display _As usual, this is your youngest and gloriousest host, fanglord signing off from Rygannon_

"Rygannon? Is this just like… a massive breach of security?" Jamie says.

The subtitles continue _I will keep getting likes, subscribes and terran kills, not for sivar, not for the emperror but for ME_

"I don't know how kilrathi security works… but it looks like we have an ace in our sector." Julianna says.

"Well, if we find him, we can wreck his whole career", Ona says.

"Honestly, he doesn't look too liked, I wonder if stopping him would raise kilrathi morale." Julianna muses with a slight grin, then she sips the coffee, grimaces and pours another sugar packet in there.

Jamie's kind of entranced by the whole thing. It seems feasible that he might click subscribe if he had the opportunity. "Valid concern," he asides to Julianna. "Still. I'd blow his head off if I had the chance."

"So Megan, how did you get your nick, "Clearoff"?" Juliana asks.

"I'd blow other bits of him off", Clearoff said.

"Because people kept telling her to clear off", Ona said, "She did something rather like fanglord. Still does…"

"Yeah, they seem to be obsessed with their claws, blowing those off would probably hurt their morale." Karen adds.

"Huh. Really?" Jamie asks, pushing up to his feet and taking another swallow to drain the last of that coffee down. Mug's set down on the counter. "Back in Troy, we didn't get good enough of an extranet connection to really…. do that stuff."

"It's more of an internal thing." Ona says.

Julianna says, "You know though, this kilrathi streaming service is gross and boring, still beats the church of man transmissions…" She turns to Jaimie while bracing for support on a bar table. "Jaimie, when I was in war, there was a sat relay for the god channel, you got it in troy? It was like watching paint dry underwater."

"Gross?" Ona says, "You should see some of my gunner's stuff."

An ad plays for G'marr brand claw sharpeners on tv.

Jamie rolls his eyes at the mention of the Church of Man. "Yes. Yes, we got the propaganda. Mostly, we just tried to avoid their ire. Don't know how the hell the retros got ahold of enough Talons to give ISS trouble, but… there you go."

"I've had enough of this, yeah, it's free to space transmissions, doesn't mean we got to watch it." Julianna says.

Jaime proceeds to do a passable imitation. "Diiiiie, by the very weapons you adore!"

"You can watch my stuff instead." Megan says.

Megan turns back to Jaime, "Retros are strange, I encountered some in famine… they just wanted attention… I was talking to them on the radio while escorting lost galaxy, they all smashed into asteroids while coming towards us, but they didn't seem to want to hurt us, they were trying to "show us the light of god", oh well, lots of resources and no training I guess."

Grumping, Jamie mentions, "If whoever's supplying them would just pay for a couple of new carriers, we probably would have won this damned war by now."

"Yeah, the retros, the pirates, heck, even mercs could be helping… I remind myself that they can help us when they see we're helping them. Also, the megacorps seem to want this to happen, I mean, Azuma weapons will send 10 fighters after a civvy because of a "grave insult" give me a break?" Karen is starting to get riled up.

Karen downs her coffee flavored sugar. "Let's go for the sims, I'll program the mission." She says while looking resolute.

"Depends on what the insult was." Ona said with a smile, "I've seen some bad insults in my time.” “Sure, let's go simming."

—Flight suits on—

Ona clambers into her cockpit. There's only one Sabre sim cockpit available in the area. The other is out of commission due to spilt coffee.

Jamie's image pops up on the other pilots' MFDs, helmet with a cartoon graphic of a face with its mouth being zipped. "Ready to go here."

«This is a similar sim to the one a few hours ago, since there are less of us, there will be less of them.» Karen announces.

« You'll pardon me if I don't believe you, » Silence says, sounding amused.

«Noted. We're doing another cap ship attack, right?» Ona asks.

«Yes, this time, we kill the escort first. We saw what flak can do to a fighter, Silence, if possible keep your DFs for the capships, guns won't scratch their paint» Karen replies.

Silence replies, « Solid copy. Got your wing, Ona. »

«Spotting contacts 20K away, let's show them how Majestic we are.» Karen states.

Ona says, «Indeed. Kill the escort.»

Clearoff comes in at this point. «How do you make a hot girl hotter?»

«Welcome to my next show, time for me to show you why I am the most popular Kilrathi in the quadrant!» fanglord radios.

«What the ?» Clearoff yells, «In which case, it's time for Toilet Paper Escape!»

COMBAT BOT: Ona's Friend or Foe Missile was unable to maintain lock and hit fanglord.

COMBAT BOT: s2's shots missed Karen completely.

COMBAT BOT: s4's Dumbfire Missile was easily evaded by Karen.

COMBAT BOT: hrathnarr-gunner has no target selected and does not act this turn.

COMBAT BOT: moldukk-gunner has no target selected and does not act this turn.

COMBAT BOT: s3 almost hit Silence several times.

COMBAT BOT: fanglord's Dumbfire Missile was easily evaded by Silence.

COMBAT BOT: Silence's Friend or Foe Missile scored a critical hit on s3.
s3 lost their aft shields and took severe damage to their craft's maneuvering thrusters.

Clearoff's weapons were not working for some reason…

The system seems to chug a little with some actions not registering. Though the pilots don’t quite notice it clearly yet.

COMBAT BOT: s2's shots missed Karen completely.

COMBAT BOT: s4's Dumbfire Missile hit Karen dead-on.
s4's missile launcher clicks empty for Dumbfire Missiles.
Karen lost their aft shields and took severe damage to their craft's power core.

COMBAT BOT: Ona scored multiple weapon hits on fanglord with Mass Drivers.
fanglord lost their front shields and took crippling damage to their craft's guns.

COMBAT BOT: fanglord's Dumbfire Missile was easily evaded by Silence.
fanglord's missile launcher clicks empty for Dumbfire Missiles.

COMBAT BOT: hrathnarr-gunner has no target selected and does not act this turn.

COMBAT BOT: moldukk-gunner has no target selected and does not act this turn.

COMBAT BOT: s3 barely hit Silence with Neutron Guns.
Silence had their front shields flared.

COMBAT BOT: Silence scored multiple weapon hits on s3 with Full Guns.
s3 lost their aft shields and their power core was detonated.

s3's ship was destroyed by its power core exploding.

Silence radios, « Splash one! »

Clearoff decided to taunt instead.

Ona radios, «Die you idiot. You're not even good at social media!»

«You see, I'm lulling these monkeys into believing I'm the really the threat! But I've got a surprise for them! Likeclicksharekill!» Fanglord radios.

Karen looks behind her ship and sees a trail of sparks. "Ok, Jules, you got this, just ease up on the turns, they are out of firecrackers. Keep out of their gun range and you're OK." «Status everyone?»

Ona radios, «Doing well»

COMBAT BOT: Ona's Friend or Foe Missile was unable to maintain lock and hit fanglord.
Ona's missile launcher clicks empty for Friend or Foe Missiles.

COMBAT BOT: s2's Dumbfire Missile was easily evaded by Silence.

COMBAT BOT: s4's shots missed Silence completely.

COMBAT BOT: moldukk-gunner has no target selected and does not act this turn.

COMBAT BOT: fanglord scored multiple weapon hits on Ona with Neutron Guns.
Ona lost their aft shields and their aft armor absorbed the hit.

COMBAT BOT: Silence's Friend or Foe Missile scored a critical hit on s4.
Silence's missile launcher clicks empty for Friend or Foe Missiles.
s4 lost their aft shields and took crippling damage to their craft's right wing.

COMBAT BOT: hrathnarr-gunner has no target selected and does not act this turn.

Ona swears. This was going to have to be a gun fight.

Karen watches her mass driver pellets fly through the simulated sartha and decides to try a missile.

«Fox two, on s2» Karen states.

COMBAT BOT: Silence barely hit s4 with Full Guns.
s4 lost their aft shields and their aft armor absorbed the hit.

COMBAT BOT: s2's Dumbfire Missile hit Silence dead-on.
s2's missile launcher clicks empty for Dumbfire Missiles.
Silence lost their front shields and took crippling damage to their craft's right wing.

COMBAT BOT: s4 scored multiple weapon hits on Silence with Neutron Guns.
Silence lost their front shields and took minor damage to their craft's maneuvering thrusters.

COMBAT BOT: fanglord scored multiple weapon hits on Ona with Neutron Guns.
Ona lost their aft shields and their right armor absorbed the hit.

COMBAT BOT: hrathnarr-gunner has no target selected and does not act this turn.

COMBAT BOT: moldukk-gunner has no target selected and does not act this turn.

COMBAT BOT: Karen's Heat Seeker Missile hit s2.
s2 lost their aft shields and had their craft's left wing torn off.

COMBAT BOT: Ona's shots missed fanglord completely.

Karen radios, «About time!»

Silence radios, « Oof. That's what they said. Thought they were dry! »

Karen watches with a level of satisfaction that her missiles still work.

Silence then alerts, « Gotta go evasive…. took a nasty hit! »

«Got your back.» Karen responds. «Hey uglies, I saw your show, it was boring!» Karen tries to taunt.

Silence radios, « I think they really like me… »

«Dive dive hit your burners!» Karen shouts to Silence.

«Ona, can you ask Megan for some juicy taunts, I'm sure it'll get the attention of the cats» Karen suggests.

Clearoff radios, «Your mother smells of cat litter!»

COMBAT BOT: Silence passes this round.

COMBAT BOT: fanglord scored multiple weapon hits on Silence with Neutron Guns.
Silence had their aft shields weakened.

COMBAT BOT: s2 barely hit Silence with Neutron Guns.
Silence had their aft shields weakened.

COMBAT BOT: s4 barely hit Silence with Neutron Guns.
Silence had their aft shields weakened.

COMBAT BOT: hrathnarr-gunner has no target selected and does not act this turn.

COMBAT BOT: Ona barely hit fanglord with Particle Cannons.
fanglord lost their front shields and their left armor absorbed the hit.

COMBAT BOT: Karen only scored glancing hits on s2 with Mass Drivers.
s2 lost their aft shields and their right armor absorbed the hit.

Silence radios, « Shields holding, but I don't know for how long… »

Ona switches to a missile now her target's shields are down.

Karen is still distracted by the tail of sparks emanating from her engine. She still tries to take some heat off of Jaimie.

COMBAT BOT: s4 only scored glancing hits on Karen with Neutron Guns.
Karen had their front shields weakened.

COMBAT BOT: Silence scored multiple weapon hits on s2 with Full Guns.
s2 lost their aft shields and their power core was detonated.

s2's ship was destroyed by its power core exploding.

COMBAT BOT: fanglord only scored glancing hits on Ona with Neutron Guns.
Ona had their front shields flared.

COMBAT BOT: hrathnarr-gunner passes this round.

COMBAT BOT: Clearoff scored several hits on fanglord with Aft Neutron Turret.
fanglord lost their front shields and took crippling damage to their craft's left wing.

COMBAT BOT: Ona's Dumbfire Missile almost hit fanglord.

COMBAT BOT: moldukk-gunner passes this round.

COMBAT BOT: Karen is unable to complete their attack as s2 has been taken out.

COMBAT BOT: hrathnarr passes this round.

COMBAT BOT: moldukk passes this round.

«Thanks for the assist!» Karen says while slightly janking to the left.

Jamie spins his Rapier to the port and pops a few rounds up the exhaust of one of the ships diving toward Karen. « One down! »

«Har, jokes on you, Hang'ar was looking for an honorable way to die!» Fanglord transmits.

Ona switched back to guns; she was going to finish this guy off and save her other missile for the Dorkir.

COMBAT BOT: s4's shots missed Karen completely.

COMBAT BOT: fanglord only scored glancing hits on Ona with Neutron Guns.
Ona had their front shields flared.

COMBAT BOT: Silence's Image Recognition Missile was unable to maintain lock and hit fanglord.

COMBAT BOT: hrathnarr-gunner passes this round.

COMBAT BOT: moldukk-gunner passes this round.

COMBAT BOT: Ona only scored glancing hits on fanglord with Mass Drivers.
fanglord lost their aft shields and took severe damage to their craft's right wing.

COMBAT BOT: Karen's shots missed s4 completely.

COMBAT BOT: Clearoff scored several hits on fanglord with Aft Neutron Turret.
fanglord lost their front shields and their front armor absorbed the hit.

COMBAT BOT: moldukk passes this round.

COMBAT BOT: hrathnarr passes this round.

Silence radios, « Bastard's quick… »

«I'm as fast as a cat you slow stupid apes.» Fanglord replies. «Har har, your lack of skill is boring me, I won't get any subscribers by killing you, so long!»

Ona switched to her full guns.

«I'll get plenty of subscribers by killing you though!» Clearoff yells.

Fanglord flies at full burners towards the Dorkir.

«He's got flack cover, caution!» Karen warns.

Ona responds, «Got it! We won't get too close!»

COMBAT BOT: Silence scored multiple weapon hits on s4 with Full Guns.
s4 lost their aft shields and their power core was detonated.

s4's ship was destroyed by its power core exploding.

COMBAT BOT: Ona's shots missed fanglord completely.

COMBAT BOT: moldukk-gunner passes this round.

COMBAT BOT: hrathnarr-gunner passes this round.

COMBAT BOT: fanglord passes this round.

COMBAT BOT: Clearoff's shots missed fanglord completely.

COMBAT BOT: Karen is unable to complete their attack as s4 has been taken out.

COMBAT BOT: hrathnarr passes this round.

COMBAT BOT: moldukk passes this round.

« Got him! Your tail's clear, Karen! » Silence yells.

«Great shot! Thanks Silence!» Karen replies.

«Let's take out the transports? First the hrathnarr?» Karen radios.

Ona radios, «Sounds good to me.»

«Ah so the monkeys think they can fight?» The hrathnarr comms

Ona sets a torpedo up ready for an attack.

«Jamie you're up, we need to spread the flack.» Karen radios.

« Copy that… » Silence confirms.

Karen sees blue flickers as her shields repel the light probing flack, once she is acquired as a target, the story will change.

COMBAT BOT: Silence's Dumbfire Missile scored a critical hit on moldukk.
moldukk lost their front shields and took severe damage to their craft's maneuvering thrusters.

COMBAT BOT: moldukk-gunner scored multiple weapon hits on Silence with Light Flak Turret.
Silence lost their front shields and their front armor absorbed the hit.

moldukk-gunner's shots missed Karen completely.

moldukk-gunner only scored glancing hits on Ona with Light Flak Turret.
Ona had their aft shields weakened.

COMBAT BOT: hrathnarr-gunner almost hit Silence several times.

hrathnarr-gunner barely hit Silence with Light Flak Turret.
Silence had their front shields weakened.

hrathnarr-gunner scored multiple weapon hits on Ona with Light Flak Turret.
Ona lost their aft shields and took minor damage to their craft's maneuvering thrusters.

COMBAT BOT: Clearoff barely hit hrathnarr with Aft Neutron Turret.
hrathnarr had their front shields flared.

COMBAT BOT: moldukk passes this round.

COMBAT BOT: hrathnarr passes this round.

COMBAT BOT: Ona's Torpedo hits hrathnarr.
hrathnarr lost their front shields and took crippling damage to their craft's maneuvering thrusters.

COMBAT BOT: Karen's Heat Seeker Missile scored a critical hit on hrathnarr.
hrathnarr lost their aft shields and took crippling damage to their craft's tail.

« Flak's heavy, but shields are dealing with it, for now…. » Silence radios.

«Reynolds! We have twice as many guns pointing at us now!» Karen shouts.

«Another round, let's mop up this mess!» Karen radios

Silence responds, « Gonna try to avoid it, Karen, gotcha…. »

SimDorkir | Body: 22.0%
Armors: 9.0/0.0/0.0/9.0
Cockpit/Controls: 667.0%/1000.0%
Power/Engines/M.Jets: 2857.0%/800.0%/194.0%
Nose/LWing/RWing/Tail: 800.0%/800.0%/800.0%/667.0%
Guns/Missiles: 400.0%/500.0%
Weapons: Turret: Fk-L

Karen strafes the dorkir and pulls her guns out, hot.

«Looks like the hrathnarr is held together with pain at this point, let's scratch it up.» Karen radios.

Silence responds, « Copy that, switching targets! »

«Ona, please confirm your target?» Karen radios. «These are some tough transports.»

COMBAT BOT: hrathnarr passes this round.

COMBAT BOT: moldukk-gunner barely hit Silence with Light Flak Turret.
Silence had their front shields flared.

moldukk-gunner barely hit Silence with Light Flak Turret.
Silence had their aft shields flared.

moldukk-gunner scored multiple weapon hits on Ona with Light Flak Turret.
Ona lost their front shields and their front armor absorbed the hit.

COMBAT BOT: hrathnarr-gunner scored multiple weapon hits on Silence with Light Flak Turret.
Silence lost their aft shields and took minor damage to their craft's tail.

hrathnarr-gunner only scored glancing hits on Karen with Light Flak Turret.
Karen lost their front shields and their left armor absorbed the hit.

hrathnarr-gunner scored several hits on Karen with Light Flak Turret.
Karen lost their aft shields and took crippling damage to their craft's tail.

COMBAT BOT: Silence's shots missed hrathnarr completely.

COMBAT BOT: Karen almost hit hrathnarr several times.

COMBAT BOT: Clearoff almost hit hrathnarr several times.

COMBAT BOT: moldukk passes this round.

COMBAT BOT: Ona's Torpedo scored a critical hit on hrathnarr.
hrathnarr lost their aft shields and had their craft's right wing blasted to pieces.

hrathnarr is shredded to pieces and explodes as its ship's core detonates from shrapnel.

«Boom!» Ona yells «Boom shakalaha boom!»
Rapier1087FS-7 | Body: 79.0%
Armors: 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0
Cockpit/Controls: 100.0%/100.0%
Power/Engines/M.Jets: 100.0%/100.0%/82.0%
Nose/LWing/RWing/Tail: 100.0%/100.0%/16.0%/93.0%
Guns/Missiles: 100.0%/100.0%
Weapons: Gun: L-2 / Gun: FG-RP / Gun: N-2 / Missile(1): IR / Missile(1): DF / Missile(0): FF

Karen radios, «Let's take out number 2.»

Silence adds, « Let's nail him! I'm playing it safe… »

Dorkir-555-964 | Body: 95.0%
Armors: 9.0/6.0/9.0/0.0
Cockpit/Controls: 100.0%/100.0%
Power/Engines/M.Jets: 100.0%/100.0%/75.0%
Nose/LWing/RWing/Tail: 100.0%/100.0%/100.0%/100.0%
Guns/Missiles: 100.0%/100.0%
Weapons: Turret: Fk-L

Karen instinctively rolls to line up her sights on the dorkir, arcing towards the aft to avoid common flack areas, but minimizing her missile release window. «Let's give it all we got left, I think we can take it out in this pass.»

«Kill them quickly.» the Dorkir radios.

« Ready on your mark… » Silence radios.

«Mark!» Ona orders.

«Ona, want to call it?» Karen asks.

Ona responds, «Let's kill this and call this a day!»

COMBAT BOT: Clearoff almost hit moldukk several times.

COMBAT BOT: Silence barely hit moldukk with Full Guns.
moldukk had their front shields weakened.

COMBAT BOT: moldukk-gunner scored multiple weapon hits on Ona with Light Flak Turret.
Ona lost their aft shields and took crippling damage to their craft's maneuvering thrusters.

moldukk-gunner scored multiple weapon hits on Ona with Light Flak Turret.
Ona lost their aft shields and had their craft's left wing torn off.

Ona's ship fell apart due to accumlated serious damage in addition to the loss of structural elements.

moldukk-gunner scored multiple weapon hits on Ona with Light Flak Turret.
Ona lost their front shields and had their craft's nose chewed off.

COMBAT BOT: Karen's Heat Seeker Missile scored a critical hit on moldukk.
Karen's missile launcher clicks empty for Heat Seeker Missiles.
moldukk lost their aft shields and had their craft's engines shot up.

COMBAT BOT: moldukk passes this round.

«Ona, what's going on, where is the torp?» Karen radios. «Ona? Can you read me?»

Ona swears as her ship is virtually destroyed.

Karen says, "Ohcrapcrapcrapcrap!"

Silence radios, « Hell, I've lost reading on the Sabre. I think we should withdraw. That flak's too damned heavy! »

Ona opens her cockpit and gets out.

Karen radios, «Their engines are shot up, and they have flack, I think we gotta try a last pass to protect Ona.»

Karen adds, «Scanning for eject pods»

Silence responds, « Understood… I've got your back. »

‘This is going to need to added to the report. They could obviously not send a single bomber in on any mission. Especially against two transports.’ Ona thinks to herself.

«It's barely within range… in the real world, I would comm the maj for an update. But here let's try, all missiles on the aft?» Karen radios. «Jaime, one pass, we unload all our rockets and then regroup if it's still up.»

COMBAT BOT: Silence's Dumbfire Missile scored a critical hit on moldukk.
Silence's missile launcher clicks empty for Dumbfire Missiles.
moldukk lost their front shields and had their craft's missile launchers blown up.

COMBAT BOT: moldukk passes this round.

COMBAT BOT: Karen's missile launcher clicks empty for Heat Seeker Missiles.

Silence comms: « Almost… got it… »

Karen cuts thrust and 180s realizing her missiles were empty. She activates her guns and gets ready for one last pass.

COMBAT BOT: Silence only scored glancing hits on moldukk with Full Guns.
moldukk lost their front shields and took minor damage to their craft's guns.

COMBAT BOT: moldukk passes this round.

COMBAT BOT: Karen almost hit moldukk several times.

Silence radios, « She's listing, I think we've almost got her! »

«Their guns are out, radioing base, we can return now. Great shot Jaime.» Karen radios. «Want to try? let's…it's a sim after all.»

Silence radios, « Hell yeah. Let's do it. »

COMBAT BOT: Silence scored multiple weapon hits on moldukk with Full Guns.
moldukk lost their front shields and took crippling damage to their craft's guns.

COMBAT BOT: moldukk-gunner passes this round.

COMBAT BOT: Karen scored multiple weapon hits on moldukk with Mass Drivers.
moldukk lost their aft shields and took moderate damage to their craft's power core.

COMBAT BOT: moldukk passes this round.

Karen parks behind the crippled ship and just attached her ponytail elastic to the trigger.

COMBAT BOT: Silence scored multiple weapon hits on moldukk with Full Guns.
moldukk lost their aft shields and had their craft's engines shot up.

moldukk is shredded to pieces and explodes as its ship's core detonates from shrapnel.

COMBAT BOT: Karen is unable to complete their attack as moldukk has been taken out.

«We did it.» Karen exclaims.

The sim pods open up.

"We did it, but I died. I don't like that." Ona says.

Brow soaked in sweat, Jamie pulls his helmet off and shakes out his hair. He looks over toward Ona. "You okay?" He asks, like he's forgotten it was a sim.

"I'm fine," Ona replies, "It's just that I take defeat badly."

Karen says, "Ok, good job, we did it, but we can do it better. For now… I'm exhausted… I am going to sleep then I can file the report tomorrow.”

Karen stands leaning on the sim, this was just too much for her today.

Confidently, Jamie nods a few times. "Yeah. We can do it better." He glances back at Ona, apologizing, "Sorry I didn't cover your ass better."

"Ona, yeah, we did everything by the book and still came up shortish. At the end we got lucky that Silence killed the flack." Karen says.

Karen then adds, "Some takeaways… transports have teeth. We focus on ONE ship then the other… And transports are the lightest capships we can possibly face, so we need to be extra careful with any large signature."

Karen also adds to Jamie, "There's a big bogey in the belt, we need to be careful, Jaime. I'm glad in retrospect we didn't try to take out whatever it was."

"We need to do it with more than one bomber. Two-ship minimum," Ona adds.

Jamie nods a few times. He's under no illusions that his shots were on point as much due to the transport's maneuvering as his own. "Yeah. And I agree. Those strike Sabres work better in pairs."

"Agree. I'll mention that in my report." Ona says.

Clearoff speaks up.

"Yes, redundancy is key… Let's write up a report and file it tomorrow. I need to sleep." Karen says still teetering on her feet.

"Anyone fancy a swim?" Ona asks.

"Heh. At least, a good shower." Jamie replies.

Karen tries to look up and just cannot anymore. "Tomorrow. I need to crash now."